Every once in a while I'll try to write a strip about a particular topic. Knowing that I was going to be featured in a Kansas City Star article about bloggers in the city, I've had this one (and a possible sequel) ready for when the article came out.
And it's in the paper today. To get some of my thoughts on why and how I blog these comic strips, read "Meet the Bloggers" online or pick up a copy of the Star today (it's in the front page of the FYI section).

Yes she did. K now has her own MySpace profile. Check out her profile and add her as a friend. I’m sure she’ll enjoy it. Plus you may get to find blog entries and new strips there soon. Not to mention funny comments for you.

That's right. The Kansas City Star has recently debuted K City on their weekly Preview section, and will be running selected strips (in color!) at least through the end of September. Download a PDF of the premiere of K City in print if you missed it.